A player may become king or queen by finding a crown. A crown can only be won by throwing the One Ring in a volcano in the Cracks of Doom; usually, volcanos are guarded by some of the most fearsome monsters in the realm. A player is crowned by going to The Lord's Chamber with a crown. A newly crowned king will replace a steward and kick him or her out of 0,0 if necessary. Players must have a level in the range of 1000 to 2000 to be able to find a crown. When a player with one or more crowns reaches level 2000, they are converted to gold. The only other way the throne may be lost is if another player uses a crown (not staff) -- a former king will always re-assume the throne upon entry, at the expense of any stewards.
Once a player is king or queen, he or she gains the ability to avoid death (at the cost of losing the throne). He/she may also do certain things while in The Lord's Chamber. These are exercised with the decree option at the main command screen. The king may also teleport anywhere for free when using The Lord's Chamber as a starting place.
Oust - This transports other player like the steward's "transport", but is much more powerful and can not be stopped.
Execrate - Similar to the steward's "curse" but more powerful. Targets lose more energy, some of it permanently, take two points of poison and get knocked out of a cloak. It can not be blocked.
Cure - The king or queen can heal energy and reduce poison with this power.
Collect taxes - Everyone pays tax on all gold acquired, regardless of the existence of a steward, king or queen. The tax rate is lower for higher level characters. A king collects the accrued taxes with this option.
Knight - The king or queen can knight another player which gives bonuses to energy and speed. The benefits last as long as the player has the title which can be lost by either party leaving the game or by someone else being knighted.
Tax - Sends a friendly tax collector to collect taxes from another player.
Bestow - By adding a little sin to yourself you can take gold out of the treasury and share it with the commonwealth.